Dartmouth Yacht Club

Management and Staff

Flag Officers


The Commodore heads operation of the Club, chairs the Management Committee, Trustee Committee and General Meetings, enforces the Club By-laws, policies and regulations, ensures that the Club operates efficiently and effectively, and promote the Club’s interests.

Vice Commodore

The Vice Commodore assists the Commodore in the discharge of their duties and, in the Commodore’s absence or inability to act, take their place. The Vice Commodore has responsibility for Human Resources.

Rear Commodore

The Rear Commodore assists the Commodore and Vice Commodore in the performance of their duties, and, in their absence, act in their stead. The Rear Commodore shall ensure that activities related to the Club’s sail racing program, regattas, and other activities specifically relating to sail racing, and other duties as assigned by the Commodore relating to sailing are carried out.

Management Committee

PortfolioMember Responsible
Treasury, Corporate SecretaryDebbie Mountenay
Corporate SecretaryDebbie Mountenay
Fleet Captain SailLeo Melchoir
Fleet Captain Power, marina, mooring field breakwater operationsPaul Rice
Boatyard operationsBrian Weatherbee
Communications, policy, environment, safety and securityJim MacDonald
FacilitiesJohn Hopkins
Bar and entertainmentJeff Flanagan
Recording secretaryMary Ridgewell
Club historianPat Haight
TrusteeDonald Cameron
TrusteeGrant Gordon
TrusteeStephen Whitefield


General ManagerKevin Hurd
Office and accountingJessica Carter
Yard foremanTodd Carter
Dock masterRyan Burton
Bar and events supervisorNathaniel Jarvis
Junior sail head coachJoe Tonen
Race committee leadMatt Barnes